


Title: Gaia-X 4 KI Whitepaper Datenräume

A Publication from the Gaia-X 4 KI Project, Germany, 19.04.2024

Link to publication: White Paper Datenräume



Published at the ACIMobility Summit, Braunschweig, Germany, 21-22 September 2021.

Link to the publication: Veröffentlichung


Title: Datenschutzrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit in der Forschung

Pusblished in the trade journal „Datenschutz und Datensicherheit – DuD“ on 11 May 2022

Link to the publication: Veröffentlichung


Title: Architecture Design Options for Federated Data Spaces

Pusblished at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) in January 2023 (Unites States)

Link to the publication: Veröffentlichung


Title: Evaluation of thermally-induced change in sharpness of automotive cameras by coupled thermo-mechanical and optical simulation

Pusblished at the SPIE Future Sensing Technologies Conference in May 2023 Yokohama, Japan

Link to the publication: Veröffentlichung


Title: Designing Digital Infrastructures for Industrial Data Ecosystems -A Literature Reviewn

Pusblished at the Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik in September 2023 in Paderborn, Germany

Link to the publication: Veröffentlichung


Titel: From DevOps to MLOps to IoTOps with Gaia-X.

Published at the Internationalen VDI-Kongress "ELIV" (Postersession) on 16. October 2023 in Bonn, Germany

Link to the publication: Veröffentlichung



Titel: Orchestrating Gaia-X Workflows in Cluster-Environments.

Published at the 9. bwHPC Symposium on 23. October 2023 in Mannheim, Germany

Link to the publication: Veröffentlichung


Titel: Dataspaces as Enabler for Collaborative Engineering.

Published at the prostep ivip Symposium 2024 on 10. and 11. of  April 2024 in Munich, Germany

Link to the publication: Veröffentlichung


Titel: GAIA-X als Enabler für Services und Geschäftsmodelle bei Echtzeitdaten im Verkehrssektor..

Published in the magazine ATZ Elektronik on 08th of May 2024.

Link to the publication: Veröffentlichung